Master of Applied Statistics at Colorado State University

USD 25,050

Colorado State University, USA

Type: Masters Duration: 1.0 years

Explore the Master of Applied Statistics program at Colorado State University. This program is offered in USA and provides an excellent learning opportunity in Masters studies.

The Online Master's Degree in Applied Statistics from Colorado State University (CSU) equips students with essential skills to analyze and interpret data effectively. This program emphasizes practical applications of statistics, preparing graduates for careers in various industries such as healthcare, finance, and government. Students can choose between two specializations: Data Science or Statistical Science, allowing them to tailor their education to their career goals. The curriculum includes required courses in regression models, experimental design, and statistical consulting, along with elective options that enhance their expertise. The program is designed for flexibility, enabling full-time students to complete their degree in less than a year, while part-time students can finish in two to four years. With a focus on real-world applications, graduates are well-prepared to meet the growing demand for skilled statisticians in today's data-driven job market.

Colorado State University
University Location
USA (Online)
Program Duration
1.0 years
Part-time allowed

Required Courses
  • CIS 605 - Business Visual Application Development
  • CIS 655 - Business Database Systems
  • STAA 551 - Regression Models and Applications
  • STAA 552 - Generalized Regression Models
  • STAA 553 - Experimental Design
  • STAA 555 - Statistical Consulting Skills
  • STAA 556 - Statistical Consulting
  • STAA 561 - Probability with Applications
  • STAA 562 - Mathematical Statistics with Applications
  • STAA 565 - Quantitative Reasoning
  • STAA 577 - Statistical Learning and Data Mining
  • STAA 578 - Machine Learning
Elective Courses
  • CIS 570 - Business Intelligence
  • CIS 575 - Applied Data Mining and Analytics in Business
  • STAA 554 - Mixed Models
  • STAA 574 - Methods in Multivariate Analysis
  • STAA 575 - Applied Bayesian Statistics