M.S. in Mathematics - Concentration in Actuarial Science at University of Connecticut

USD 30,000

University of Connecticut, USA

Type: Masters Duration: 2.0 years

Explore the M.S. in Mathematics - Concentration in Actuarial Science program at University of Connecticut. This program is offered in USA and provides an excellent learning opportunity in Masters studies.

The M.S. in Mathematics with a concentration in Actuarial Science at the University of Connecticut prepares students for careers as practicing actuaries in various sectors, including insurance, finance, and consulting. The program covers essential topics aligned with the first five professional examinations of the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society. Students must complete at least 30 credits, including a minimum of five core courses such as Financial Mathematics and Actuarial Loss Models. The curriculum also includes elective courses that fulfill Validation by Educational Experience (VEE) requirements. Typically, students complete the degree in 3 to 4 semesters of full-time study, and the program qualifies as a STEM degree, allowing international students to apply for the STEM extension to the OPT program. This comprehensive program equips graduates with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the actuarial field.

University of Connecticut
University Location
USA (Online)
Program Duration
2.0 years
Part-time allowed

Required Courses
  • MATH 5620 Financial Mathematics I
  • MATH 5650 Financial Mathematics II
  • MATH 5660 Advanced Financial Math
  • MATH 5630 Long Term Actuarial Math I
  • MATH 5631 Long Term Actuarial Math II
  • MATH 5637 Statistics for Actuarial Modeling
Elective Courses
  • MATH 3170 Elementary Stochastic Processes
  • MATH 3545 Actuarial Case Studies Using SAS
  • MATH 3550 Programming for Actuaries
  • MATH 5600 Fundamentals of Financial Math
  • MATH 5850 Graduate Field Study Internship
  • MATH 5110 Introduction to Modern Analysis
  • MATH 5111 Measure and Integration
  • MATH 5160 Probability & Stochastic Processes I
  • MATH 5161 Probability & Stochastic Processes II
  • MATH 5670 Financial Programming & Modeling
  • MATH 5671 Financial Data Mining with Big Data
  • ACCT 5121 Financial Accounting and Reporting
  • ACCT 5327 Financial Statement Analysis
  • ECON 5201 Microeconomics
  • ECON 5202 Macroeconomics
  • ECON 5301 Mathematical Economics
  • ECON 5311 Econometrics I
  • FNCE 5202 Investments and Securities Analysis
  • FNCE 5504 Options and Futures
  • FNCE 5512 Fixed Income Instruments
  • FNCE 5151 Introduction to Economic Markets
  • STAT 3965 Elementary Stochastic Processes
  • STAT 5361 Statistical Computing
  • STAT 5585 Mathematical Statistics I
  • STAT 5585 Mathematical Statistics II
  • STAT 5505 Applied Statistics I
  • STAT 5605 Applied Statistics II
  • STAT 5315 or 3115 Analysis of Experiments
  • STAT 5725 Linear Statistical Models I
  • STAT 5825 or 4825 Applied Time Series