Indira Gandhi National Open University
Degree Type: Masters
Duration: 2.0 Years
Approx. Cost*: INR20,000
World Ranking: N.A.
University of Florida
Gainesville (USA)
Approx. Cost*: USD20,980
World Ranking: 216
Open University
Approx. Cost*: GBP18,000
National Law School of India University
Approx. Cost*: INR103,000
Lehigh University
Bethlehem (USA)
Approx. Cost*: N.A.
World Ranking: 648
Approx. Cost*: INR12,500
University of York
York (GBR)
Approx. Cost*: GBP10,680
World Ranking: 184
Falmouth University
Approx. Cost*: GBP12,150
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Skudai (MYS)
Approx. Cost*: MYR33,500
World Ranking: 181
EUCLID University
Approx. Cost*: USD6,070
University of Roehampton
Approx. Cost*: GBP4,925
University of South Carolina
Columbia (USA)
Approx. Cost*: USD30,000
World Ranking: 611
University of Portsmouth
Portsmouth (GBR)
Approx. Cost*: GBP9,400
World Ranking: 643
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Sikkim Manipal University
Approx. Cost*: INR79,000
*: We do our best to collect accurate data, but we encourage users to verify it.