Deakin University
Burwood (AUS)
Degree Type: Doctorate
Duration: 4.0 Years
Approx. Cost*: AUD52,964
World Ranking: 197
Torrens University Australia
Duration: 3.0 Years
Approx. Cost*: N.A.
World Ranking: N.A.
Griffith University
Nathan (AUS)
World Ranking: 255
University of New England
Armidale (AUS)
Approx. Cost*: AUD34,848
World Ranking: 1165
University of Southern Queensland
Toowoomba (AUS)
Approx. Cost*: AUD35,440
World Ranking: 399
Engineering Institute of Technology
Melbourne School of Theology
Parkville (AUS)
World Ranking: 13
*: We do our best to collect accurate data, but we encourage users to verify it.