University of St. Thomas
Degree Type: Doctorate
Duration: 3.0 Years
Approx. Cost*: USD135,000
World Ranking: N.A.
University of New England
Duration: 4.0 Years
Approx. Cost*: USD43,875
Monmouth University
Approx. Cost*: USD48,000
Saybrook University
Approx. Cost*: N.A.
Rutgers University
New Brunswick (USA)
World Ranking: 329
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa (USA)
Approx. Cost*: USD19,800
World Ranking: 982
University of Kansas
Lawrence (USA)
Approx. Cost*: USD29,925
World Ranking: 454
Walden University
Duration: 2.5 Years
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia (USA)
World Ranking: 11
Approx. Cost*: USD54,910
Sacred Heart University
Our Lady of the Lake University
Approx. Cost*: USD27,000
Tulane University
New Orleans (USA)
World Ranking: 641
University of Memphis
Memphis (USA)
World Ranking: 1367
*: We do our best to collect accurate data, but we encourage users to verify it.